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Welcome to AMAREA® Technology, the system manufacturer of Multi-Material 3D printers that can combine multiple high-performance materials in a single step to produce highly functional components. Our company is a spin-off of Fraunhofer IKTS, the largest ceramics applied research institute in Europe.
Are you looking to strengthen your competitive advantage by Additive Manufacturing or how to improve your current AM-products? AMAREA® Multi-Material 3D Printers will allow you to create products that are unprecedented and have been impossible so far. Find out how our cutting-edge technology enables you to improve your business.
Combine Material Properties with the brand new » MMJ ProX « 3D printing system.
Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing
with high-performance materials
With the ability to process multiple materials such as ceramics, metals, polymers, and composites in a single step, Multi-Material 3D-printers produce components that are more functional than ever before. Our Multi Material Jetting (MMJ) Technology is designed to shorten the process chain from sequential to direct manufacturing, resulting in reduced production times and costs.
At AMAREA®, we master the complexity of Multi-Material and understand the importance of premium material quality. Our material scientists ensure that our products meet the highest standards and exceed your expectations.
Whether you are looking to create novel highly functional components, contact us today or meet us at any of the several events we are attending to learn more about that chances and possibilities and services offer you and let us help you take your business to the next level.
Applying Multi-Material
Fully reusable igniter for aerospike engines
The AMAREA® Multi-Material 3D prototyp printer make it possible to manufacture components with a range of functions just like only assemblies could provide.
A great example is the 3D printed igniter, a reusable spark plug that combines two ceramics - Si3Ni4-MoSi2 - one electrically conductive and one electrically insulating - in a single component.
The novel component demonstrates how an innovative single-component-multiple-functions design made physical reality allows for reliable and controlled reuse, making it ideal for application in aerospike engines.
Components with graded distributions
While technologies basing on Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) or Selective Laser Melting (SLM) can be used to create porous structures by adjusting the infill percentage or by using powders of greater particle size, which would be difficult or impossible to achieve using traditional manufacturing methods in the first place, MMJ even enable the precise creation of intricate and complex geometries.
When it comes to defined porous structures for e.g. increased temperature gradients and heat exchange or larger surface areas, our technology offer varous feasible ways.
See what you need for
Multi-Material AM.
Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing (MMAM) offers new design and production opportunities for innovative smart products for many branches like semiconductors, tool industry, research & development, medical, renewable energies such as battery technology, and particularly for Industry 4.0 approach.
3D Printers
Designed and made in Germany.
Coming soon
From premium selection
to premium custom made
Customer succsess is our drive
Lets meet here.
AM Ceramics | Berlin
Formnext | Frankfurt a.M.
GFE Schmalkalden e.V. - Workshop Additive Fertigung, Schmalkalden
RAPID + TCT | Detroit, Michigan
ECerS Conference | Dresden
AM Ceramics | Vienna
Formnext | Frankfurt a.M.
Latest News
Partner & Friends
AMAREA® Technology emerged from the CerAM MMJ project and is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate and the European Social Fund as part of the EXIST program.
Project Funding by the European Union
AMAREA Technology receive financial support from the European Union for our project »Multi Material Jetting«. Through this funding, we have obtained project support via co-financing. The aim of our initiative is to transfer the intellectual property for Multi Material Jetting (MMJ) technology, an innovative Additive Manufacturing process for Multi-Material 3D printing with high-performance materials. This project enables the development of new 3D printers and printing materials, which are groundbreaking for the future of Additive Manufacturing.
Contact us
Reach out to find out.
AMAREA Technology GmbH
Meschwitzstraße 21 | Building 12
01099 Dresden, Germany
E-Mail info@amarea.de [english | deutsch]
Phone +49 351 5019 - 7502 | 7556